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"you could set your sights far above Upton"
Who would that be? Upton's 23 years old, 3 consecutive years of .800 OPS at the MLB level, a well above average defensive RF by most metrics, 20 SB speed, signed through 2015.
In terms of MLB-ready young players who are playing today, Upton would seem to be as high as you can aim.
You could make a case for Longoria or Zimmerman, though I question if either player has the power everyone's expecting and they're obviously not going anywhere.
Braun might be the one player I definitely take over Upton. Tulowitzki is interesting, but the extra 11 years on his contract (including several $20 mil years) have to look scary with his injury history. Upton's position, speed, and defense push him over all of the 35 HR-ish 1B's. The position is the only thing that would push Hanley over Upton, and most feel he is not a legitimate defensive SS.
I think I might even take Upton's age 23-27 seasons at an average of $9.9 mil per year over needing to sign a 31 year old Pujols to a $25+ mil contract for at least seven years.

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