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RockiesJeff's picture

Doc, I realize the potential arm problems for young pitchers that everyone harped on calling to trade Pineda for Upton. But pitching is still required to win. I would not trade a potential stud arm in today's market with so much club control. Logic for me is that the M's farm system finally has home grown bats. That is a strength. I agree with Ghost, why create a hole that might be harder to replace. Some good arms in farm but further away.
And with regard to Upton, I know he can hit both ways, etc. He also plays in desert air. I would fear he might have been Safecoed ala Beltre.
It would be nice to see these kids move through the system to form a good nucleus! Not against upgrades but not at the cost of a starting arm. See last year's World Series!
Good articles...thanks! Busy with degree and baseball, so this is relaxing!

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