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Over the 3-year run starting with the season he turned 29 ('72-'74). Marshall came out of the pen to throw in 263 games.  He pitched 503 innings, had 43 wins, 70 saves, and finished 4th, 2nd and 1st in the Cy.  All the while, he was tying up the  like of J. Bench with that baffling screwball. He was quite something.
I remember reading a Hank Aaron quote once...he said that all good hitters were guess hitters.  Or words to that effect.
If Wright used to throw FB's 60% of the time, that meant a batter could sit "dead red" and be right 60% of the time. Without an overpowering FB, that meant they could square Wright up a lot.  Add a touch of "Wild Thing" to his abilities (or lack thereof) and you get a wonderfully uninspiring pitcher.
This new Wright, however, the one (seemingly) with control and a three pitch arsenal that he throws with some degree of randomness....This is an interesting guy.  Even J. Bench might struggle.
In '74 Marshall threw in 106 games....averaging 2 innings an outing. 
My, oh my!

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