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Are much more of a concern to Eric Wedge, than they are to me, playing Strat-O-Matic with the M's PECOTA cards.  :- )
Take away Chone Figgins' job, go tell him he's part time, and, well.... that was obviously a big part of what destroyed the entire ballclub in 2010, Chone Figgins not liking his role.
And that was just his slot in the lineup, never mind his losing AB's.
This is absolutely nothing against Zduriencik, but Pat Gillick had a way of avoiding hyper-selfish players.  He'd shake their hands, look them in the eye, and if a Wakamatsu Situation was lurking, he'd step around it.
Not to knock Zduriencik for the Figgins signing.  Figgins was like the #20 player in the game, a LH OBP player, a great glove, when he signed.

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