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Well, not as hard today, but still - the Brendan Ryans of the world are working counts like crazy.  Our patient score is off the charts.  We can't DO anything with it because we've got a few too many slumping/sucky hitters, but the basics are there.
Swap out Wilson and Figgins for Ackley and Rendon and see where you get.  If the starters get their luck normalized and get back to last year's production level - or better - then yeah, we won't be that far away.
Right now, the team is just too weak at the plate to overcome any bad-luck bounces that affect our pitching.  That tends to lead to long losing streaks when your streak-stoppers like Felix have bad games.
But there's nothing inherently wrong with our strategy, and it may bear good fruit far sooner than later.  We just need some luck to go our way for once to get that ball rolling, and then for better hitters to adopt this approach with more effective results.
That ain't impossible.  It's a long season, and it can't rain all the time.

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