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is the difference between (1) agreeing with your first take, that Yuniesky Betancourt has a 33% chance of impact in the bigs, -- vs. -- pointing at the bleachers and (2) saying that Justin Smoak and Michael Pineda have 90% plus shots of becoming major league stars.  :- )
You're forgetting dozens of epic flame wars, such as when Gumby mocked me in 1995 for announcing that Randy Johnson was his generation's Sandy Koufax ...
... the war with Pitch over Dallas McPherson ...
... the March 2001 arguments over Ichiro (as well as every April between me and the blog-o-sphere over Ichiro between 2002 and 2008)...
If you're not even putting Tim Lincecum in my "Big Hits" category I want a new scorekeeper.  Go back and check all of my writeups on every 1st-round pitcher in that draft, chump -- Morrow, Lincoln, Miller, etc.  The guy's NZT-fueled micro memory remembers me liking Antonio Perez okay, but intentionally blanks out the Lincecum Grand Saga...
to read your "Neutral" list, you'd think that everybody had the same opinion of Justin Smoak that I did.  That, and Pineda, those were the winter's big debates.  On your scorecard I get zero for either.  No wonder the STATS AOL board was such a food fight :- )
And I had you from the opening pitch in that 20-team matchup...

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