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ghost's picture

I didn't actually realize FG now went that far back. That's good to know.
My own attempts at statistical analysis of defense (using a top-down team-based approach, rather than and individual zone-based method) show Griffey as a wildly variable but overall average fielder until his knees went, when he became a LOUSY one. Over ten full seasons as a CF from 1990-1999, he had defensive batting averages (a way of putting the defensive value on a familiar scale....not an actual measure like DER but a normalized measure like EqA) of .279, .304, .244, .280, .382 (!!), .290, .266, .255, .241, .240
Fun to watch...made a lot of great catches...and missed a lot of doubles he should have caught...some years...he was awesome...some years it averaged out and he was average...some years, he cost you some runs. Then his knees started going and by 2003 his defensive batting average was .189 (!)

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