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ghost's picture

Half the time I'll get the captcha screen where two of the letters/numbers are unreadably the exact same color as the background or are about the size of a flea's knees. LOL
Anyway, I think Ryan and Wilson BOTH need to go. I'd be starting Luis (good AB" Rodriguez and Adam Kennedy for now...and when you call up Ackley, Kennedy gets to steal Figgins' ABs somewhat. Because Ryan looks utterly futile at the plate (as expected) and only OK on defense and Wilson, although hitting better of late, doesn't look comfortable at second. Keep Wilson around to be the defensive replacement for Lu-Rod...but as Earl Weaver would do...if your waterbugs aren't hitting...use the bats. Get Ackley and his kuldgy second base glove and Lu_Rod and his only-OK defense at short in there to do some hitting please.

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