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I know it is a rfairly small sample....110+ PA's, but somethings look dismal:
GB/FB:  1.93 (career high. career number is 1.06)
LD:       18% (career low)
GB:       54% (career high)
FB:        28% (career low)
And he has been on base (hits + BB) 30 times while striking out 29 times.
For a TTO guy...those are alarming trends.  Even in ST (where he did hit 4 taters) he was only on base 19 times and K'ed 25 times.
He's hitting the ball on the ground and when he does get it in the air it isn't roped and doesn't carry. 
The tipping point where future PA's become wasted PA's is nigh, or nearly so.  If the M's have a good series in Boston and .500 is imminent and King and Kong promise so much more and the bats keep "Smoaking" (nice, huh?).....well, how long do you carry Cust w/o a glimpse of his TTO ability.

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