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I'm just anti-Bauer at #2.  And I'm against the notion that Bauer is gold-plated and Cole a giant risk.  That's the notion that I keep reacting to.Cole has (I think) Verlander-level stuff (and I'm not the only one who thinks so) AND fewer than 2.0 BB/9.  This in his "off year."  Find me that combination in more than a handful of guys.In his "off year" he cut his BB/9 IN HALF from 3.8 to 1.9.In his "off year" his ERA is 3.28, which is lower than Verlander's season before he was taken #2 overall (3.49).G had a nice post that seems to have disappeared, in which he acknowledged that both Cole and Bauer were risky, and that's the kind of balance that I haven't seen enough of.  He prefers Bauer, and that's fine.I, myself, am warming to the idea of Lindor as Plan B.  (Plan B only to activated if Pirates take Rendon or there is a very bad medical report.)

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