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Cole HAS a great arm.  I don't think he's gotten the most out of that arm, and I see him having a rocky road to success in the bigs, but that could be COMPLETELY wrong.  Upside Max Scherzer, downside Luke Hochevar, basically.
I would take at least three prospects before Cole, based on what I've seen to this point:
1) Rendon, aka David Wright
2) Bauer, aka Tim Lincecum (lite, but who's all of Lincecum?)
3) Starling, aka clean Josh Hamilton
It's not that a decent chance of getting Max Scherzer is a BAD thing. And if Cole gets by us he's not getting a lot further - I don't see him slipping out of the top 5.
But I prefer hitters to pitchers, and I think Bauer can be ready NOW while I think there's be a time delay to Cole at this point.
If we draft Cole, then I will defer to you and hop on the "Cole's under-rated and a total dominator" bandwagon and cheer for the best possible outcome.
But I'd take other guys over him.  Hopefully the Pirates don't, so we don't even have to debate it. ;)

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