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Once he retired just to walk around without a cane.  But he still posted plus numbers even with his leg decaying under him.  Jason Kendall busted his ankle in a horrifying injury and has played many more years on it, as a catcher no less. 
But Rendon says he has no pain, he runs great...we can't see him play defense but that's because of his arm.  He's not limping around the basepaths, that's for sure.
Kendry needed cleanup surgery and has not taken the field since.  Rendon is sprinting around like a gazelle.  Ankle surgery can definitely be a tricky thing, but once it's done unless the bone died it's just surgery with a defined recovery time and prognosis based on recovery.  We've already seen the results on the field to know his legs are fine. 
Will he be more prone to ankle injuries later?  Depending on how ripped up those tendons and ligaments were, maybe.  But the bone issue is done with at this point.  Maybe he needs some chips or spurs removed later.
Mickey Mantle had bad knees, Mauer has bad knees, Ventura almost lost his leg...
I don't care as much how Rendon feels at 35, to be honest with you.  I just want to know what he can do for us for the 6-7 guaranteed years we'll have him...and I think it's a lot. :)

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