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Heard parts of an interview that Mitch and Sandmeyer had with Rendon.  Usually Mitch is a good interviewer but this time he just didn't have his research done prior. 
Rendon is a very likable, humble guy who did a good job of handling himself with somewhat idiotic statements.  They didn't ask him about his injuries but focused on how he is not having a very good season and could the bats be part of the reason. 
Apparently Churchill is saying that Rendon is no longer at the top of the draft board.  I think scouts from other organizations are taking liberties with Churchill's relative lack of experience dealing with the inner workings of the draft.  A month before the draft reporters should take every comment from a scout with a grain of salt.
Hoping we still draft Rendon.  What a concept it will be to have to draft a position player who is both good defensively and offensively at the top of the draft. 

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