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That "buzz" is because Jason Churchill decided to speculate in an ESPN article that Rendon had a torn rotator cuff, then deleted it.  It's like trolling, only for more readers due to controversial comments.  Simple rumormongering that's given dubious credibility by having a national publication backing the baseless supposition. 
Spare me Jason's medical musings.  It's not like hiding it would help Rendon's draft stock, since he's gonna be gone over by outside experts anyway - which means it would have to be a newly formed diagnosis.  If Rendon has a torn rotator cuff and no one's figured it out yet then everyone on Rice's medical staff should be fired.  
They won't be because they didn't miss it.  Though if Rendon could hit like this with a torn rotator cuff then he'd absolutely be my choice for our #2 pick. Anybody who can still be a formidable hitter with only one good arm is my choice with two healthy ones. 
But Jason could have said he might have bone spurs or be suffering from early arthritis with as much basis as his "torn rotator cuff" theory.  Before the Ms draft him, they'll know if it's a concern - and none of those things will be.

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