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paracorto's picture

Spectator says something interesting:
"Impossible to know, but it seems that part of not playing him at 3b is an overabundance of caution (which, given the millions of dollars at stake for the kid, is understandable)"
If I'm not wrong he's also a Boras client, so there's little doubt they're trying to protect (or hidden in the worst scenario) the jewel. I don't know, I don't know really. He showed in the past to be a great talent, a REAL all round player in the Longoria type, perhaps even better. But I remain extremely cautious about his athletic fragility. Freak injuries ? Sure, but they happened in quick sequence in a three-year timespan and I do not like that in a young athlete, especially that kind of injuries (ankle, shoulder) in a position player. Some analyst has just begun to write he's slipping backward and there's still almost one month left, so I suppose any club interested in Rendon is going to investigate deeper his physical situation before paying what could be one of the largest bonus ever.

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