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I don't pretend to understand the entire arb system ... but IIRC, Ackley signed a 6-year contract.  So, regardless of when he comes up, isn't he ALREADY signed through 2015?  Doesn't that sort of negate much of the SOP impact of Super2? 
From my perspective, the situation with Ackley is that (assuming he is a SUCCESSFUL MLB player), the club will likely be looking to renegotiate a longer term deal in 2014 ... like they did with Felix.  If he flops, of course, the whole arbitration concern becomes a non-issue.
On the question of League's pitch *selection* being to blame for his recent failures ...
Does location play *NO* part in this?
I looked at the game chart for the Friday the 13th game.  League hit black low and away on both doubles and the Hafner homer.  While I can't find hot/cold charts for everyone, I did manage to check Hafners - (which includes low and away as one of his hot zones).
Now, I watched Glavine pitch successfully for a decade, throwing as predictably as any starter in the game (pitch selection wise).  And, he pounded the outside of the zone for a decade.  BUT ... he changed eye level constantly.  High and away ... low and away ... waste one 3 feet outside ... high and away. 
I know the previous BS included two hit batsmen, so he was obviously throwing inside to them. 
The middle ground for me is this.  You CAN throw the same pitch over and over and over and still be a great closer.  You CANNOT throw the same pitch at the same speed to the same SPOT over and over and over. 
What I do NOT know - (since I don't get eyes-on looks nearly enough) - is ... what kind of MOVEMENT does League "normally" get on his FB ... versus what has he gotten in the last week? 
Has there been a change in his movement metrics? 
That said ... Hafner is hitting .340. 
Why is it we laud Smoak when he goes out and clubs a pitch 2 feet outside for double ... but we dismiss the idea that ... well, the opposition hit good pitches today?
And, of course, the Cabrerra double wasn't crushed so much as it was horribly misplayed - (not that Bradley would've done better).  But, I think the question of ... does League get the save if Langerhans or Saunders was in left is not unreasonable. 
For me ... the "default" belief is that -- if a pitcher is painting the black and gets hit, that's just the reality of the game.  Sometimes the hitters win the battle. 
Just as an aside to throw some more wood on the fire ... Gimenez has a catcher ERA of 5.98 at this point.  Opponents have a .341 BABIP when CG is catching ... and opponents have hit 9 HRs in 7 games with him behind the plate.  (Olivo has a normal .295 BABIP and only 15 HRs in 32 games).

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