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Chris Tillman's 33 innings in the Midwest League just after he turned 19 and before he got promoted to the Cal:
3.55 ERA, 8.5 H/9, 0.3 HR/9, 3.5 BB/9, 9.3 K/9
After he finished up by not getting killed in the Cal League (high ERA but same Ks and a tick higher on walks) he was rated as the #67 prospect in all the land.  And then we traded him for Bedard. ;)  Walker is pulling a Tillman while still being a very raw pitcher.
What's fun? 
20 year old Brandon Maurer:
MWL - 37 IP, 3.41 ERA, 7.6 hits, 0.5 HR, 3.4 BB and 10.7 K per 9
CAL - 32.2 IP, 3.58 ERA, 8.5 hits, 0.6 HR, 0.8 BB and 8.0 K per 9
We're having TWO of those (early) seasons from the really young??  Sheesh.
And then there's Paxton, who is gonna be scary when he consistently finds his command of his breaking pitches, considering he's already running the highest K/9 in that league of anyone with more than 50 IP, with an ERA under 3.  Only the walk are holding him back a touch from uber-elite dominance and letting other names get into the conversation.
Lovin' it.

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