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He did some little puff interview in the park on
He talks about food options between Clinton vs. the Cal League, travel...that kinda stuff. Greatest part? About 2:30:
"I'm just trying to do what everyone else is trying to do, and that's trying to get to the big leagues.  I'm trying to make the Hall of Fame.  Anything is possible.  I'm trying to make a dream come true."
The big leagues isn't something he's hoping to scrape into.  Supreme confidence has always been one of Franklin's hallmarks, but his sights are aimed so far above "eke out a few years in the bigs" that it's not even funny.
I love him.
Ackley went 2-for-3 with two more walks tonight, taking his May OPS to eleventy billion or some such.  We have a really decent shot to draft Rendon in 3 weeks.  Franklin is scuffling a bit with a couple of minor injury issues that kept him out for a pair of 2-game absences in April, but he's hitting .300 in May. We'll see what he can do the rest of the year to add power back in and fix his issues from the right side, but I like his goals.  
Come add to our great infield of 2014, Nick - love to have your future-hall-of-fame self around for that.

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