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ghost's picture

I know the Mariners have a reputation for penny pinching in times of trouble, but I don't honestly think this is a case like that. I doubt they would consider 2-3 milllion dollars plus another 1.5-2 million dollars in escallators to be a huge setback financially when spread out over several years. No...I think that they're holding Ackley back because they want him to work on his defense in a low stress environment. I also think this is why they're holding back Mike Carp. Defense in LF needs work so they're polishing him as much as they can there. I wouldn't do that in their place at this point...not with 2011 hanging by a thread and 2012 hinging on seeing what we have to start with over a nice large clump of ABs...but I think that's what they're doing...they're micromanaging out of a love for pretty defense.
I think their insistance of sticking with Ryan has more to do with that than anything as well...they figure if Ackley is only OK on defense, they need good glove men to his left and right.

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