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Or free Safeco dog and coke, if back to commenting you go :- )
Personally I'd believe a Seattle Pujols (type) contract when I saw him holding up a jersey on TV, and not 5 seconds before... 
Cliff Lee wanted to be here, waited for the discussions, and the M's pole-axed them while still seething it their mother's milk, as it were... if you don't want to spend for Cliff Lee, you don't want to spend for anybody, in terms of externally-grown MVP/Cy candidates...
Cool Papa's one of the few any more who even BOTHERS pointing out that the Mariners could spend $20, $40, $50M more per season if they cared to...
Having done my four tours, 8 years since 2001, complaining about the committee's refusal to "get carried away" about pennant races, am glad to hand off to Cool Papa, Geoff Baker and others...

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