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We noticed a fine article on USSM / Brock & Salk today, revealing the cause of Pauley's success.This is getting to be a habit... wonder if KIRO will give it up for USSM tonight :- )............Followup to our own article:  personally I wouldn't read Pauley's game as sustainable at *this* level.  I mean, I guess it's possible that he's become Trevor Hoffman, but it looks more to me like he's just throwing at the peak of his abilities.  Hotness happens, and Pauley's a bit of a novelty on the league, pitching under cover as the #3-4 man in the pen.  He's throwing knuckleball-like changeups high in the zone, diving fastballs without real good command, and it's not a template you really build a career out of IMHO.If Pauley continued to get that amazing dive on his change and on his 88 slowball, he'd be above-average going forward, naturally -- one of the better RP's in the league, maybe approaching a Scot Shields Lite.  Which would be fine with us.A Ryan Franklin career would be quite ambitious enough for him, think yew very much.  But he's been a savior during the transition.

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