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His sinker and his changeup are his best pitches, but he's not married to them.  He said something to the effect of, "I just figure out what's working in the bullpen out of my four pitches and go with that for the night."
So when the sinker's on, he kills you with it.  If he can whiplash you with the change, he does.
But on nights when those are NOT working for him in warmups he just switches out to the curve or slider and looks like a different pitcher (as he was doing a bit earlier in the year).
VERY few pitchers are brave enough to go with their 4th best pitch as a feature pitch simply because it "feels better" that night.  I liked Pauley last year and in Spring Training, but I didn't think he would keep calling the right feature-pitch in rock-paper-scissors every night.
That's some kinda skill if he really CAN tell in 20 pitches which pitch is plus for the evening before ever stepping on the mound.

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