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... or that it was quite so unusual for a pitcher to excel at swing rates inside, and swings outside, the zone.As of June 2, Fister is still at it:29% - MLB average, swings out of zone35% - Fister's rate65% - MLB average, swing rate assuming pitch is a strike56% - Fister's rateML pitchers -- as a group -- already have mind-boggling command of their locations.  That Fister should throw so MANY MORE unappetizing strikes, so consistently,  than his peers, speaks to his truly superior command.(Fister is capable of throwing a yakker that freezes a batter, but there are quite a few pitchers who can do this.)Believe that the explanation here is pretty straightforward:  Fister can paint strike one with much more consistency even than other command artists...........What is a bit more mysterious to me, is how Fister gets so many batters fishing.  No doubt, Dr. K's idea of "expanding the strike zone" after (say) a 1-2 count plays a role.  But lots of pitchers (maybe all* ML pitchers) do that effectively.In the mind's eye, I don't really remember seeing a lot of swings on Fister's tease pitches.  Looking forward to investigating this one.

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