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There is progress all around Seattle in tone, it seems, including hopefully on my end :- ) ... on some sites, the previous unfortunate debate tones have been supplanted by the current "terse but measured", which is cool ...We hear this sometimes about Geoffy, but for whatever reason he just does not hit me that way... he has a horde of regulars, many of whom are similar to those you find on the P-I board, and he pays them all the respect of talking to them, and in a pretty even tone IMHO, though sometimes the laconic smile at the edge of the mouth is just about unavoidable...It's not many of our blogs on which a naive question would get answered in the first place... granted, this may be Geoffy's job to some extent...Not to downplay others' styles, but Baker (along with Sullivan) is a guy I could see shooting hoops with, and that's kinda the benchmark from my end...

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