Just watch the first 25 seconds. It's one swing, but it's a good one.
That kid...wow. 18? He's a behemoth, and he'll be hitting the ball out of any park he gets into. Bat isn't the fastest, but it doesn't have to be. It's compact and brutal to the ball, with 240 pounds of muscle behind it. That's an Adam Dunn sized ball of mean right there. And he's one of those bigs guys that I think are as fast or faster with wood bats - the aluminum ones are too whippy and seem to be ungainly in the hands of those giants.
We'll see if he can hit, but he can definitely slug. And his brother was drafted 17th by the Angels as a slugger himself.
Cron is the wild-card for getting a massively (and I don't use that word lightly) impactful hitter. Should be fun to see if he can break the Clinton HR record that Franklin just set last year, that's for sure.
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