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Maybe, but it depends on how some of these guys pan out. If the offense does improve, the pitching/defense has to maintain exactly as good as they are to even remain a .500 team. The SP has been legitimately great, but expecting them to continue this over a full season is asking a lot. The bullpen will almost certainly regress hard beyond League-Pauley.
Texas has been extremely unlucky based on their OPS/OPS against and their 3 best players have been riding the DL and not even hitting well yet.
Realistically, this isn't the year IMO. You are pleasantly suprised if the team contends, but the focus needs to be beyond 2011. Bedard is your strongest trade chip (with little value beyond 2011 as he is a FA that won't be Type A) and the team still desperately needs some young position player talent.

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