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Taro's picture

Team OPS: 637
Opponent OPS: 665
Right now the team is getting pretty lucky. I think its more of a mid-to-high 70s W club that is very volatile either way because of unknowns (could suprise or end up being worse). Either way, I think you just have to trade Bedard. The focus should be on the long-term and losing Bedard doesn't doom you in the 2nd half especially if you can land a young C like Mesoraco.
By keeping Bedard I think you waste a golden trade chip. He may not even stay healthy in the 2nd half, is one a one year deal, and won't be worth any draft picks as a FA. He could be worth a TON on the market if he continues to pitch like this into July. You can still sign him as a FA if you trade him.

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