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benihana's picture

Ichiro's OPS in May? .508.  So far in June: .466.
The fact that this team is in contention without significant contributions from our high priced veterans is certainly amazing. But it begs the question - is it time to trade the golden goose?
Me - I'd move Ichiro, Figgins and Jack Wilson to San Francisco for Barry Zito and Pablo Sandoval.  The salaries essentially match, Zito doesn't have a spot in San Fran's rotation even though he has pitched at or above league average for much of his time there, and he would be a particularly nice fit for Safeco.  Sandoval the switch hitting third baseman upgrades the position with a club controlled young player.
Then I'd do Vargas and Seager+ for Beltran and the rest of his salary.  3 month rental, yes, but a big upgrade in right or left. =)
Crazy talk, I know. But I'd shake things up in an effort to get both younger and better.

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