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...the likelyhood of something being done with Figgins?  I'm a little out of the loop this season and haven't read too much definitively on his future.  One notion that has gained traction in recent years that has really grated on me is doing away with power at the corners, as a necessity.  In my mind, regardless of how one thought Figgins was to pan out, a long look should have been given to giving yet another traditional slugging spot away.  Especially with nothing coming up (for sure) in LF.  
Count me in as someone who really enjoys Peguero.  He reminds me of the 'B major' sluggers I used to play against in slow pitch days.  What a swing!  And yes I would rather see someone letting it go than the paralysis by analysis that seems to happen to our other prospects. Does he flame out?  Who knows? Dude hits seeds when he connects and that is currently being under-sold on the net..

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