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benihana's picture

I've been a believer since Sweet Lou was famously denied the extra bat that it's vital for management to get in the game. When Olivo and Ryan are "leaving it all on the field" with "gung-ho" enthusiasm the message from the top down has to be one of "we've got your back".
I was preparing to write a reply about how vital it will be this deadline to make a move in order to signal recognition for a job well done and in order for the organization to create a precedence that performance will be rewarded. Nothing like management pinching pennies to destroy work place enthusiasm.
But Sandy's counterpoint is one I hadn't really considered. IF (a big if) management can sell inaction as "we believe in you" action, then maybe the reward for on-field performance is not being deadline sellers.
On the Ichiro front, while in one thread I'm proposing trading him (and still would) - his under-performance has largely been driven by a ridiculously low BABIP. Ichiro's career BABIP is .354 - his May BABIP ,227, June .220 (up 30 points in two days). I think he's primed for a prolonged stretch of regression upwards towards his mean - at just the right time for this offense.
- Ben.

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