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Thank you for the warm introduction.  Have enjoyed this site for a number of years now and am delighted to add my little insights to the wealth of good stuff everyone offers here.
Before Caffinated Confines, I ran a blog called Mariner Bullpen.  Egads!  It's still there, but I have no idea how to log in anymore, so it's a little out of date:
We were up and running a little before Sully's Leone for Third site (followed by Fire Bavasi) showed up, which is now of course, Lookout Landing.  I remember being the lone blogger voice that heartily supported the Ibanez signing at the time.  Don't know where Dr. D stood at the time.  I was wrong, but turned out to be right.  My argument basically boiled down to "Save your statistics.  This is the closest we've come to putting a left handed power hitter in Safeco since it opened and Griffey left. I'll take it!"
But my real claim to fame is that I was Matthew Carruth's first little league coach, and saw the promise in his left arm to put him on the mound, and in some small way helped the world by increasing his desire to study the art of pitching.  Thus I played my small role in putting that brain of his to work on really useful stuff, like baseball, instead of something boring and useless like biology or astronomical science.
Matt may not remember this, but I also taught him the value of OBP, by putting the shortest kid on the team at leadoff, and instructed him to never pay attention to those pesky parents who encourage you to swing, and when he walked (we're talking 3rd grade pitchers here), proceed to steal 2nd and 3rd base - when the ball inevitably went past the catcher. 

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