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Hey, we've seen Figgins for someting like 9 game months.  He hit well in ONE of those (well, Sept. and a touch of Oct. last year)!  Other than that....if he were a slick fielding SS then we could absorb his lack of hit ability. But he's not
He's terrible.  Flat out terrible.
And he HAS played the same position for the last nine months....he is a one positon player right now. We've done what James suggested.  It hasn't helped. He's even more terrible this year.
If he is so mentally lost that you think his batting first will suddenly make him a hitter......then he completely doomed.  Do you realy want to give him another AB each game.  Man, I'm hoping we find a way to steal an AB from him each game!!!  Batting 9th or batting first, Ichiro bats behind him, anyway.
Here's what you do with Figgins.  You bench him.  Sit him. Ignore him.  He's hurting the team right now.  Ackley plays 2B, Kennedy plays 3B.....and Figgins gets about 20-25 starts the rest of the year.  That's it. restart next year.  Hit the "redo" button, and hope Figgins responds.  Are you gong to have Kennedy next year?  Who knows?
But Kennedy has been his career equal, anyway...minus one year.
Playing Figgins because you don't want to hurt his feelings (which is what it amounts to) is UNprofessional. Man, that's slapping the rest of the team in the face. You think Felix and Pineda want a .190 hitting 3B in the lineup, when there are much better options. When he starts hitting, play him. 
If Figgins were a 21 year old project, and if we were not in a race...then play him and hope he develops.
But right now, in 2011...when we have a chance to hang around (or better), put him on the pine.

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