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Could have been starting with a numbers list that threw us on that one.  All apologies.  When we run into an issue, we'll try to repair for you.  As you know, your comments are highly valued.
I'd be a hypocrite for not welcoming your input on the saber/IRL debates... :- )
In fairness, it's got to be that USSM rejects issues like Figgins-As-Cancer, as opposed to not being able to perceive them.
USSM seems to have a strong preference to treat real-life MLB baseball as a fangraphs/Strat-O game, with all sports psychology edited out of the equation. Undoubtedly if they weren't so averse to topics like The Grand Figgins Melodrama, they'd have no problem taking them into consideration.
Ironically, this isn't going to ingratiate the work to those who otherwise might extend the job offer sought.  Executives in baseball are managing people.
It would be nice if Wedge and Zduriencik's lives were so simple.  A sadder-but-wiser Don Wakamatsu found out that MLB life is anything but simple.

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