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1.  Have him bat leadoff
2.  Cut him
He might eventually get better batting 9th but he most likely will become a cancer especially once Ackley is brought up. He is a surly, selfish player who thinks he is entitled to bat lead off, play every day and give as much (or as little) effort as he feels like.
He is also in a death spiral where his struggles cause him to get frustrated which causes him to do even worse. Yes, it is possible he'll turn things around but how many months are we supposed to put up with his atrocious performance? How long is Ackley supposed to sit in Triple-A contributing absolutely nothing to this team?
And can I take this time to point out how stunningly obtuse Dave Cameron is? He seriously was completely befuddled by Ackley's continued presence in Tacoma and could not fathom why that would be. 
It wasn't until today that he finally figured out that there might be more issues at play than just Ackley's Super Two status (and it took a calculator for him to realize it). Even still, he doesn't grasp what exactly those issues are (it isn't about not wanting to split Kennedy and Figgins at third, it's a matter of Chones terrible attitude). 
How can a guy who follows the M's so closely and considers himself an expert on baseball be so oblivious to the obvious dynamics at play?
- Cool Papa Bell

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