But its advocates typically TREAT is as perfect -- bashing the idiotic GM's who deviate from their $/WAR opinion of correct (which is heavily rooted in UZR).
Raul Ibanez' Phillies contract was an example. The resistance to Mike Carp's LF callup is the most recent one.
If UZR were simply used in appropriate context, it would be one of sabermetrics' better tools. But as used, it's a scourge of those trying to truly *think* about player value, rather than automating its estimation.
In April, SSI flatly disagreed with UZR's indications about the Mariners' defense. If published on fangraphs, that would have met with derision, an "eyeball" assessment daring to contradict a "scientific finding."
That which is true is often ridiculed. Fortunately, these days UZR has less and less leash to do so.
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