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Guti's spring training is almost over so his average should start increasing.  He had some good  AB's last night from where I was sitting.
Mariners much maligned minor league system is showing that Baseball HQis  more on the ball than the other rating sites.  Halman, Carp, Peguero, Ackley and even Wilson have contributed or will contribute to the Mariners season on the offensive side of things.
I love the Bedard quote from last night, " I'm a loyal guy".  The Seattle sports scene with the Sonics, Arod, Griffey et al all leaving for greener pastures it sure is nice to have the Hasselebacks, Paytons and Bedards saying this is a good place to play in their actions as opposed to there words.
Key to the season (outside the pitching) is how Wedge is manipulating the lineup.  When Brendan Ryan was hotter than a fire cracker Wedge placed in the 9 hole to bat.  I told my son that the reason he's doing that is so when he puts Figgins in the 9 hole soon Figgins won't be able to complain after seeing Ryan handle it with much aplomb.  Then the day before he sits Ichiro Wegde has Smoake and Olive sit to make it the Ichiro more palatable.
With Wedge Ichiro finally has someone that he can look up to in terms of power.  When Wedge spoke with Ichiro about sitting, Ichiro said he was fine with it because Wedge's spirit was stronger than his in this particular instance.
It sure is a lot of fun to have a team in the thick of things in mid June. 

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