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The obvious guess for the scouts difficulty in warming up to Dustin, no matter his performance, that his build is so slight they're all in "show me" mode before they buy in.
Personally, I think Ackley will be a blamed fine asset but I think the proclamations on his coming greatness feel a bit oversold. As the #2 pick he's in the realm of Griffey, Arod,& Hamilton, but he's no where near that talented, nor does he even even have the upside of a guy like Bryce Harper. 
I'd go so far to say the comparisons to Utley and Tulo are just setting ourselves up to be disappointed. I look at the decision to move him to 2nd as an indictment of his bat as much as a comment on his athleticism.
I don't mean to sound like  a downer, and considering the ineptness of the lineup, I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth a bit. Did I mention I'm excited for Friday?

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