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I think one of the items that makes the 2011 season so remarkable (and at times confusing) is that there are a vast number of variables that go into good decision making.  Production, options, contract, psychology, roster makeup, trade possibilities, risk, etc., etc., etc. all are considerations.  But, people tend to want to boil things down to a single "why" a decision is made (or not).
For me, the 2011 season is wonderful because of the 'apparent' chaos in some of the decisions.  Bradley and Langerhans DFAed pretty quick, (despite decent numbers on the year).  Peguero and Mike Wilson getting the call first and then Peguero and Halman getting the call before Ackley.   I view this as an organization that is maturing - and not making the 'simple' or 'obvious' choice based solely on reputation or the production of the last week.
If I had to guess (and I have to guess), I'd say 'part' of the reason Peguero and Wilson and Halman beat Ackley to the roster is that each was a "lower risk" call-up.  Ackley is 'intended' to be an integral part of the club for many years.  He's the guy you least want to 'damage' by promoting too quickly.  I also like the dynamic of the 'bonus baby' not getting the 'free pass' to the majors.  Mike Wilson got his cup of coffee ... and that's the kind of thing that can help the development process in lots of subtle ways, even if Wilson couldn't hit his weight during his cameo. 
For me, to be a great "organization", you have to understand that the 'best move' to help the MLB club win 'this week' is not always the 'best move' to help the club for the next 10 years.
I'm loving watching Peguero's K/BB drop from 8:1 to 5:1 ... and if it drops to 4:1 or lower, then he starts looking like a potential long term option and not just a flash-in-the-pan. 
I'm loving the fact that the screams for Ackley's immediate call up were not heeded ... and the fact that even without Ackley this club continues to compete.  As Matt notes ... if some of the slumber-lumber awakens, even a little, then the offensive dynamic of the team going forward gets veeeerrrry interesting. 

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