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Am I the only guy a bit puzzled why LRod went down rather that Cust being dropped?  Carp, Kennedy, Peguero and Halman are all more interesting DH's that Cust.  A LRod is infinitely more versatile that DH-only Cust. 
A trade on the horizon?  Perhaps....
Does Cust have a trade value?
And it appears that Halman's bat is worth  something more than Guti's right now (although a 0 BB and 6 K line, in 23 PA's for Halman is a bit disconcerting).  Does Guti save more runs with the glove than Halman might provide with the lumber?  Guti's a #6 or #7 (or 8) bat.  In his 2009 "breakout season" he still had only 452 x-base hits. Halman has a bigger upside than that.
Halman, Peguero, Cust, Guti.....There's every chance that you have two long-term productive OF'ers in that group.  If so...add that to a Smoak and Ackley duo...and you have a heck of a 6-7 year core.

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