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(the backup catcher not incorporated into the idea.)
Kennedy quoted on Shannon Drayer's blog:
"I think we are all excited for him to come up," he told me. "His bat will be welcome here and I think it will give us a little boost and hopefully we all can fit in the lineup one way or another and continue playing well. That is the big thing."
Kennedy has played first, second and DH this season and has been taking early work at third for a couple of weeks now. He told me that he has yet to be told where he will be playing and when I asked if he was basically ready for anything he said yes.
"Absolutely," he said. "That was my job when I got here so I will just continue with that."
If Adam Kennedy -- with the big hits he has delivered for this club -- supports the jobshares, how are Chone Figgins and Franklin Gutierrez supposed to walk their blizzards of outs into Eric Wedge's office and complain?
Kennedy and Cust are the two vets who have hit, other than Ichiro* and Smoak.  Right now they are making it impossible for other vets to bellyache.
Jack Wilson is, without a doubt, still here because he does not hang his head about PT.
It continues to boggle, how cyber-fans who just last year watched a clubhouse implosion into 101 losses, could fail to appreciate the need to manage a team's self-image.

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