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I followed Ackley at UNC.
I watched Ackley last year in AA.
I will continue to say what I said when he was drafted.  His upside is Brian Giles, (I don't care if Giles was on 'roids or not).  Or, maybe Bobby Abreu.  Giles' peak was more impressive, and crash more violent, but Abreu and Giles are the guys I think Ackley most readily compares to.  Too early to tell where Ackley's eye ends up against MLBers.  But, because Ackley wasn't a big base stealer in college, people have drastically underestimated his speed.  And because he didn't swat 20 HRs in his first 1/2 season of AA, people continue to underestimate his power.  If he were a switch hitter, I'd comp him to Chipper. 
My 'restraint' has always been directed at the idea that Ackley is not likely to sacrifice average for power.  AFTER he proves he can hit .300 in the Bigs ... then he'll start getting situational on their butts.  Note, however, he is more Pujols than Dunn.  He's not a pitch-stalker in terms of looking for something to Jack.  He's a student - learning something with every pitch - and computing how to best damage you on the next one.  His eyes are the super-duper-fast-zoom cameras they use on CSI. 
There is always some danger that a prospect cannot make that final leap in talent level.  While highly unlikely with Ackley ... it is not zero.  But, the 'tools' are there for a .300/30/30 guy.  (And with Ichiro around, I would expect him to be adding a solid SB game somewhere along the way).

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