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Got my first look at Ackley this weekend. Now I'm not a big follower of MiLB. I follow MaLB. I let Jack and experts such as those on forums like this do the spadework and familiarize myself with what they say only to the extent it directly impacts the big club.
So here's my reaction upon seeing his game:
Now I know what all the fuss is about. This guy just exhudes confident baseball talent. Just like Felix and Pineda, he's very, very good and HE KNOWS IT.
You don't get this "on the edge" feeling you get with many, if not most MLBers, that they are desperately working hard just to keep their head above water...and these are the best of the best in the world. Here comes a rookie, all the pressure of the highly public expectations focused on him, and he just goes out there and does what he does as if, what... as if he is only doing what he expects of himself. He's not just trying to succeed (Michael Saunders), he EXPECTS big time success.
Cornerstone? You bet.
Rookie struggles and adjustments ahead? OK, maybe, but he has all the tools to deal with it, hands down, AND HE KNOWS IT!
You don't know a player until you've seen him. I've seen enough. Welcome to Seattle, Mr. Ackley. And Howard, when are you going to lock him up in Seattle for ten years?

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