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The hope is that one of Halman, Carp (or maybe Peguero) can stick. More likely none of them stick as regulars, but one can stick as a part-time/bench player.
Halman is the most encouraging, although there are some questionmarks. Halman will start seeing less strikes. Hes seeing 53.9 pitches in the zone and that will go down. His BABIP is .500. He has a 13.5 SwS%, but the O-Swing% is one 34% which is very encouraging early on. 61.9 GB% less promising for his continued power. If he continue to stop swinging at outside pitches, he could be a suprise.
Carp has a sky-high K% right now, but that mostly because hes seeing a lot of called strikes. Even so, the contact rate continues to be poor so he has to start hitting for power. Not a lot of defensive value, so the 2bs/Hrs needs to come more frequently.
Peguero's upside is RL, so I'm not very high on him.
Honestly, the most likely scenario is that none of these three pan out as regulars.. Halman is the most promising though IMO. Hes worth a shot to see if he can continue to maintain a competent O-Swing% as pitchers stop throwing him as many strikes. He only needs to hit a little with that defense.
Carp maybe as a platoon bat, but he has to start hitting some XBHs.

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