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It's gotta be tough to be a guy like Carp and go from knowing every single day you are in the lineup, vs. coming to the big leagues and knowing every single at bat will be scrutinized to determine whether you will remain in the lineup.  And, with an old pro like Cust cooling his heels right behind you.  The SSS is not only in effect, but the psychology behind it is adding tremendous stress. 
With Carp and Halman, nobody is handing them the bat and telling them "You're our guy - go out there and have fun.  I don't care if you start off 0-21, you're my (left fielder-dh-CF)."  Quite the opposite - they saw what happened to Mike Wilson after a small handful of ABs. 
We're happy the entitlement period is over, but there is a downside - and a reason why there's an entitlement mentality to begin with - to allow players to find a comfort level in which they can perform.

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