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that Ackley would be a star   :-) . . .
If you have time, I'm curious as to:
What We Know About (2011 Version) Mike Carp after 8 games and
What We Know About Greg Halman after 12 games
Carp has a BABIP of .357 and BA of .217?  He's not putting any balls into play, because he's not making contact with anything?  The .357 OBP looks right, but everything else looks haywire.  78.4% zone contact is right near the bottom, and not what I would expect.  Is he going to be able to turn that around?  I was psyched for Carp to be a solid offensive contributor.
Halman is making more contact than we had a right to expect, given his history, but it appears that his outside-the-zone contact is still low (43.8%, or lower than Olivo's), while his zone contact is 90.5%.  I'm not an expert on these things, but from eyeballing the charts, that appears to be a very unusual pattern.  Can he sustain anything like that, given that his approach appears to be different from what we've seen before?
I'm totally OK with another high-risk, high-reward bat (in addition to Olivo), if he brings the glove (which he does) and speed (which he does) and most of the rest of the lineup can chug along with consistent OBP (we're getting there).

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