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We have three really interesting latin bats, not two, though right now Pimentel has an edge since he was signed a year earlier and has had more state-side instruction.  Pimentel's bat is described by Pedro Grifol as follows:
"He's down here (in Arizona) and player great (in extended spring training). He's hitting about .290, seven doubles, four triples, four homers, in only 50-some at-bats. He's itching to go out and play short season. I can't wait to see him go out and play short season. It's an electric bat. He's a free swinger right now, which is something he'll have to continue to work on. They tell me he's really getting better. He makes contact, but he's going to have to shrink he strike zone -- know your zone and where your strength is. If he can do's an electric bat. There are other parts of his game he needs to improve; his baserunning needs work, his outfield throwing arm -- all things that are a little below average. But his bat is electric." Note: Pimentel, one of the key recent international signees by Bob Engle out of the Dominican Republic, is just 18. He is likely to go to one of the two Mariners' short-season teams, Everett or Pulaski, which start play in June. "Either would be a good place,'' Grifol said. "He needs to go under the lights and start to shine in minor-league parks."

His bat is three-times electric?  I guess you don't like it that much, Pedro... *laughs*  You see him swing and it's astonishing.  His pitch recognition isn't there yet and he still feels like he has to swing at everything, but I'd love to see him take it to the App League with a vengeance.
Phillips Castillo, though, was paid what Pimentel was ($2-ish million dollar signing bonus) and is a better fielder from what I've heard.  They love his bat too, and he was considered the top power bat in the 2010 IFA class (while Peguero was the top player available period, until that mysterious bonus reduction).
Martin Peguero, Castillo and Pimentel - hopefully one of them works out for the money we paid for em.  I'd take more than one.  Please, let one of them know how to take a base on balls...

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