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glmuskie's picture

And not sure how apropos it is, but I likes me some comps I'm familiar with...
Adam Jones at 20 was in AAA batting .287/.345/.484
FMar at 20 in AA, batting .282/.319/.405
Important similarities:  Both characterized as super athletic, potential 5-tool guys.  Both righty.  Both with BB/KK numbers that cause bitter beer face.  Similarly pushed young development.
Important differences:  Jones with the bigger frame, Martinez with the tougher fielding position (although again, reports that he may need to move to the outfield).  Jones with a rep as having an attitude, Martinez a rep as a coachable dude.
Viewed in this light, I can see why Martinez is the guy the Tigers fans were smarting from.  Notice also that Martinez went from A+ ball to AA, and his OPS went up.  There's a bit of Sandy's 'learning' skill he looks for there.
Anyway, Jones now 25 posting 122 OPS+ in CF...

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