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It could be far more than that if we get some coin flips in our favor.  We sent out two pitchers: a 24th man having a career year as the 2nd-best man in the pen, and a #3-4 starter who was great for us and is getting shelled in early post-trade action. 
If Ruffin is our next closer (once we trade League at the deadline next year) that takes this trade up several notches.
If Wells is more than I thought he was and can plate those 90 RBIs, it's a golden trade.
If Furbush is a #4 starter just to swap with Fister, then Jack looks like a genius - again.
I still have no real passion for Martinez. *laughs*  Hopefully the scouts are really right and 2 years from now we're all marvelling at his tools and production.
Fister had value, and I like him as a pitcher.  We may have cashed in his value perfectly to patch holes in our roster on the cheap with plus players.  I'd love for that to be the case.
Now we just need to keep the right players.  Everyone said in 2005 that Gillick had destroyed our minor leagues, and we all know Bavasi is inept at the job he was paid to do.
But LOOK at the young talent on that 2005 team:
- Mike Morse
- Jose Lopez (yeah, I know...but at the time he was worth a lot)
- Greg Dobbs
- Yorvit Torrealba
- Miguel Olivo
- Shin-soo Choo
All under 27, all able to contribute to ML teams since.  Funnily enough, we kept the one guy who is currently useless and dumped all the others.
The pitching staff had:
- Felix
- Pineiro
- Sherrill
- Soriano
- Putz
- Thornton
as under-28 pitchers. We HAD young talent.  We just couldn't recognize it and dumped the vast majority of it.  Jack has had a great eye for bringing in talent, and for knowing who to keep (the only real argument against would be Morrow, and I'm still not one for placing long-term bets on that dude's arm holding up).
We need to sift all this new talent to find out who to keep.  I'm thrilled Carp was given another chance - I thought he was gonna go Mike Morse it somewhere else.  But just HAVING talent doesn't mean you recognize and nurture that talent.  We need to keep doing all of that in order to succeed at Rebuild 3.0, after our abject failures in 1.0 and 2.0.
Fingers crossed.

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