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ghost's picture

...I seem to recall you seeing a similar jump in EYE from Adam Jones and declaring him to have "solved AAA"...granted, Jones had an EYE of 1 when he made the jump...but we're still talking about doubling the EYE while the other skills continue uninterrupted.
I think Robinson is a keeper in our farm system...I think that, while not a lock, he isn't less likely to succeed than Adam Jones was (he's a better fielder, a better baserunner, a better power hitter...somewhat less skilled with the EYE, but better HIT IMHO) and most of the Ms blogosphere liked Jones just fine as a building block until he got traded.
I do understand the nerves about K rate...but it's not like he's a whiff king in the minors...many guys fan more than he does. I'd rather work on building him up at the big league level now than write him off and trade him again assuming he'll never pan out.

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