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Brett is a great comparison.  If you look at the three seasons before Brett went nuts and hit .390 he hit .312-.373-.532 then .294-.343-.467 then .329-.376-.563.  Those were the years that Brett was 24-26 years old.
If he had the same number of PA's each year during that run (which he didn't) he would have averaged something like .311-.365-.521.
That is a VERY similar line to Ackley's current .301-.368-.529.  Incredibly similar. 
Give Ackley another 10-15 OBP points as pitchers avoid him a bit more and even if he hits .290 then he remains very Brett-like.
Would you bet the over or under if I said that Ackley's accumlative line for the next three seasons (not counting this one) would be .295-.375-.529?
His bottom might be .280-.350.-480!  That's what we would LOVE Trayvon to be...and it may be Ackley's worst-case scenario of healthy)
B-R says that Brett is the 24th best hitter of all times (with  P. Rose, J. Bench and C. Yaz as the next three). 
If Ackley is that good he is better than Morgan (who is ranked 44th) and Alomar (who is ranked 69th).
Enjoy guys, enjoy.  And if I'm Jack Z., Ackley gets the big time extension after NEXT year. 
BTW, B-R has Felix as the 123rd best pitcher of all-time, already.

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